


for a

chaotic world







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What We Share

Humans are complex. Life is messy. And modern life is more crazy and chaoticย than ever before.

Most people are stressed and confused — even if they don’t know it.

We started GoodBadKarma to share what we know about how to understand life and how to be happier living it.ย 

As a Thai-British couple living in Thailand, for over two decades we’ve immersed ourselves in the pursuit of wellbeing, meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth.

We’re certainly not perfect, but our cross-cultural perspective and years of practical application have given us unique insights into what truly works.

Join us as we share our tried-and-tested wisdom, blending Eastern and Western approaches to help you navigate your own journey towards a more balanced, mindful, and fulfilling life.

What we talk about can be loosely grouped into these five areas, but you’ll find that, just as it is in life, everything is inter-related. . .


Master practical strategies and positive routines to transform your daily life and boost happiness


Unlock the power of your mind through meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive enhancement


Discover holistic approaches to cultivate physical vitality, emotional resilience, and lasting energy


Explore the depths of universal interconnectedness and elevate your spiritual awareness in a chaotic world


Master the art of cultivating fulfilling connections, from romantic partnerships to enriching friendships and beyond

our philosophy

Why We Share

In the relentless rush of everyday life, we often find ourselves swept away on a current of chaos and falling into habits and patterns of thinking erode our well-being and undermine our happiness.

But it all seems so normal because everyone else is being swept along and struggling, too.

So, we ask you to stop for a moment. . . and imagine a life where you are not struggling for air. Where you are not controlled by your bad habits or negative thinking. A life in which you have the chance to be happy no matter where you are, what you are doing or who you are with.

I want you to know that the key to unlocking this inner treasure IS within your reach — but to get it you must first make a decision to disrupt the status quo.

As the saying goes: If you want what everyone else has, do what everyone else does.” But if you want something different; if you want something better; if you want to feel better and BE better, then you must do what most others are not doing.

You must make an intentional decision to swim upstream, against the current of the modern world.

bare feet walking a zen path


Learning how to replace bad habits with better ones, nurture your well-being, harness the power of your mind, and cultivate your spiritual self is the only way to escape the chaos and get from Where You Are Right Now to Where You Want To Be — a place in your Mind called Happiness. . .

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ยฉ 2024 GoodBadKarma

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